Category Archives: document

Video Tutorial: File Formats and How to Change the Default

Here is a video that shows you the file formats, how to open the default program, but also how to change a file format within the MS Word 2003 program.

If you like the video, please share, and if you wish to see more tutorials, leave some ideas in the comments.


Adding documents to Kindle

add kindleYou may be surprised to know that not only do you not need a physical Kindle to read Kindle eBook, you can use the free Kindle app to also read PDF documents.

(Free Kindle App download)

But why know how to do this?

You read all sorts of PDF forms and documents you downloaded on the web. As organizer of a writer’s group, this allows me to read manuscripts on my iPhone or Windows tablet (or my laptop), where ever I am.

I also find PDF text books for my son in his homeschooling, but you can also find tax forms, short stories, and just about any document converted to PDF you can read.

This article explains, step by step, on how to enable your account with Kindle to do this, 

If you enjoyed this post- please ‘like’ or share, leave a comment, or email me with questions or comments.

Lost files: Where to find them?

160581542933040789_EOgtEpCi_cI get a number of calls from clients who can’t find a specific file or program they downloaded or installed to their PC. Once downloaded/installed, they often can’t find the location of the execute (.exe) file to get it started.

For starters, let’s understand the different between a program and a file. A program can create and edit files. A file is created by programs, and often can be opened and edit by a number of different programs. An example would be the DOC or document file created by the Microsoft Word program. Many word processing programs might open the file to read and edit, but not necessarily. Openoffice and Wordperfect can, but MS Works cannot. Older versions of MS Word also might find difficulty handling the newer DOCX file formats created by the recent version of MS Word.

Graphics are another file you often deal with, such as JPG or GIF. Internet Browsers can view but not edit. MS Paint (which comes with the operating system) can also open either file but can edit and even change the format to another type such as PNG or BMP.

To find programs; First look at the start menu. Click the start button, then All Programs (depending on your Windows version). Look for the name of the program, or a folder with the name of the program manufacturer. If you cannot find it there, you will use the following method-

(Also for finding files)

  • searchClick on START and fine the area to type and type out the name of the program or file you are looking for.
  • The computer will search through all the files and folders on your computer for the words you’ve written.
  • If the computer finds the name, and this is an executable file (exe) it will start up the program. If it is a file, or there are more than one file or program with the name,  you will be given a list to select the one you want.

    A few more tips:
    When downloading any file or program, take note of three things;
    1. The name of the file/program
    2. The location, or folder the download will go
    3. The type of file/program you are downloading.
    These three elements can help narrow a search by any one of them.
    You can also find the most recent files you’ve opened by going to START then click Recent Items. (Windows 7)

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Watching TV on your computer

With the Recession, my family decided to get rid of the cable TV. We didn’t watch much anyway, and I discovered I preferred watching online anyway.


  1. Online TV tends to have fewer commercials, and they’re much shorter than the ones you find on cable.
  2. You can stop the program at any time, and return when you want.
  3. Many TV sites allow members to ‘favorite’ their shows, and you’ll get emails alerting you to when they’re uploaded.
  4. You must watch on your computer, unless you have an Xbox or other console (which needs to be on a network) where you can stream your show through a network.


  1. Your show will often be uploaded the day after its on cable.
  2. Some TV sites have very annoying ads that will run before, during, and after your show, and some even have ads running at the site or on a popup.
  3. Some shows never get uploaded online- unless its been pirated and uploaded illegally.

Some TV sites:

Hulu- I use this one most of all. It includes a free and ‘premium’ membership (that costs $7 per month), and includes commercials that are not very obnoxious. Some shows are a season behind, or not on Hulu at all. Most shows can be just as easily viewed on the network site.

ABC includes shows such as Revenge, Modern Family, and the Bachelorette.

NBC Includes 30 Rock, Fear Factor, Grimm, Kings, and more.

CBS Includes The Big Bang Theory, CSI, How I Met Your Mother, Undercover Boss, and more.

FOX Includes American Dad, Bones, Family Guy, Fringe, and more.

SYFY Includes movies and TV shows, but not all of their episodes are online. Haven, Eureka, Sanctuary and more can be found here.

CW Here you’ll find Supernatural, Ringer, The Secret Circle, The Vampire Diaries, and more.

Feel free to list more in comments if you know of them.

Master the art of typing

58757970107871161_N60w8ahg_cMy own handwriting too often needs a Rosetta stone to decipher, but thankfully I have the option of typing my worksheets, handouts, and other documents. I’m also gifted with a 70+ words per minute speed. This didn’t happen overnight; it took practice and patience.

Typing:– free online typing tutorials

A list for 10 typing tutors

Free Word Processers:

OpenOffice– free download of the OpenOffice suites provides you with a free word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, and database.

Abiword– offers a ‘portable app’ that works on a flash drive, or download free to the computer to use the program.


Google Documents– compatible with Word, Wordperfect, Openoffice, and more. Its free, online, and offers easy collaboration tools.

Windows Live– sign up to use the online MS Word (and other programs) via the site.

Don’t like typing? Consider using the speech to text features available on many versions of the MS Windows OS.

5 text-to-speech Solutions

How to use Speech in Windows XP

Speech to text in Windows 7